공부 질문하기

  • 글쓴이김정*
  • 날짜2024.01.12
  • 조회36
1. a true understanding of picasso is live with what he did

live with ~감수하다 동사로 나오는데 is 가왜있는지 모르겠어요

2. innovations have yet to be fully understood
the best is yet to come (알려주신 표현)

have가 왜있는지 모르겟어요. is아닌가요?

3. this is where it's _import_ant that we add the oil slowly

앞에 this is where 가 빠지면 의미가 달라지나요?

4. this is our most popular model

the 가빠져도 최상급의 의미가 있나요/?